List the characteristics of a biography
Characteristics of a autobiography!
What is biography?
It is one of the most important subgenres of the didactic genre of literature, since it consists of the text of the history of the life of a person.
List the characteristics of a biography
It is a written narration in which the most important facts of a persons life are related as a summary, starting with the birth, with the whole context of the place of origin, and in some cases even going back to family history.
The narrator is not the protagonist.
As for the completion of the biography, many of them are written when the protagonist has already died, so that it covers his or her life from beginning to end. However, it is up to the writer to choose how far the biography will go, especially if the protagonist lives.
Meaning of the subgenre biography
The term comes from the union of the Greek bios, which refers to life, and graphein, which refers to writing.
This is how the term is configured, giving rise to a form of writing focused on life, so that it can also be used in a symbolic s