Judy baar topinka biography obituary
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Judy Baar Topinka, the comptroller of Illinois, died today. Comptroller is a colorless job, incomprehensible to most people, especially to Illinoisans who live in this state so mired in the winter of its fiscal misery.
But we should care about Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka, truly an original, and, I think, an irreplaceable public service.
Judy baar topinka biography obituary
The word colorful is often used to describe her, but it’s such an understatement. That hair of hers that screamed home-dye job (its orange tone existed nowhere in nature); her thrift-shop clothes that were unmistakably second-hand; and her straightforward talk about politics and the people who make a career out of it.
About Rod Blagojevich who beat her in his 2006 reelection bid for governor, she said, accurately, “He has little weasel eyes.” She called her opponents in the Republican primary that year—a field that included Jim Oberweis—“morons.”
When I asked her in July, 2010, while she was running for c