Harry lee kuan yew biography tagalog

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    Harry lee kuan yew biography tagalog

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  • Lee Kuan Yew

    This is a Cheenese name; the faimlie name is Lee.

    Lee Kuan Yew (born Harry Lee Kuan Yew, 16 September 1923[4] – 23 Mairch 2015), GCMG, CH, wis a Singaporean politeecian.[5][6][7][8] Eften referred tae as the Faither o Singapore or bi the initials LKY, he wis the first Prime Meenister o the Republic o Singapore, govrenin for three decades.

    He is an aa widely recognised as the foondin faither o modren Singapore.

    As the co-foonder an first General Secretar o the Fowk's Action Pairty (PAP), he led the pairty tae aicht victories frae 1959 tae 1990, an owersaw the separation o Singapore frae Malaysie in 1965 an its subsequent transformation frae a relatively unnerdeveloped colonial ootpost wi na naitural resoorces intae a "First Warld" Asie Teeger.

    He is ane o the maist influential poleetical figurs in Asie.[9]

    Singapore's seicond prime meenister Goh Chok Tong appointit him Senior Meenister in 1990. He