Elliott robert barkan biography

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    Elliott Robert Barkan Edit Profile

    history educator

    Elliott Robert Barkan, American history educator. Woodrow Wilson Foundation fellow Harvard University, 1962; Fulbright lecturer, 1983, 87, 92; grantee California State University, 1985-1986, 87-88, 90-91, 93, 96-97.


    Barkan, Elliott Robert was born on December 15, 1940 in New York City.

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  • Son of Carl and Tessie (Leder) Barkan.


    Bachelor magna cum laude, Queens College, 1962. Master of Arts, Harvard University, 1963. Doctor of Philosophy, Harvard University, 1969.


    Instructor Pace University, New York City, 1964-1968.

    Assistant professor history and ethnic studies California State University, San Bernardino, 1968-1971, associate professor, 1971-1976, professor history, since 1976. Visiting professor University Hawaii, Honolulu, 1969.

    Consultant MOSAIC Los Angeles Board Education, 1973-1974, Balch Institute, Philadelphia, 1985.

