Dostoevsky biography timeline activities
N.B. Dates are given according to the Julian calendar(or Old Style), which was retained in Russia until the 1917 Revolution and ran twelve days behind the Gregorian calendar during the nineteenth century.
1821 Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is born in Moscow on October 30 in Hospital for the poor, the second of seven children.
1831-37 Fyodor and his older brother, Mikhail (b.
Dostoevsky biography timeline activities
1820), together attend boarding schools in Moscow. Following the death of their mother in 1837, they are sent to a preparatory school in St. Petersburg.
1838 Fyodor, but not Mikhail, is admitted to St. Petersburgs Academy of Military Engineers.
1839 Father possibly murdered by his own serfs at his estate, Chermashnya, in province of Tula.
1843 Dostoevsky graduates from the Academy as lieutenant.
Translates into Russian Honore de Balzacs Eugenie Grandet.
1844 He translates George Sands La derniere Aldini and works on Poor Folk, his own first novel.
1845 Friendship w