Teruo asada biography templates
Teruo asada biography templates
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Forum Objective
Nikkei Global Management Forum is a special event that each year brings together a carefully chosen group of the world's most accomplished business executives.
The aim is to discuss corporate strategy, management philosophy and the latest trends in management from a global perspective. Inaugurated in 1999, the Forum has come to be recognized as one of the most prestigious international conferences in Asia.
The theme for the 16th Nikkei Global Management Forum is
“Innovate to Stay Ahead of the Competition”
Having weathered the storms of the Lehman Shock and the Eurozone crisis, global companies are once again on the move.
Corporate leaders are vigorously searching for the next innovation in technology, management, organizational structure and business model. In this year’s Nikkei Global Management Forum, we will take a close look at companies that are at the forefront of the drive to innovate and stay ahead of the competition.
We sincerely hope you will be ab