Kansas attorney general opinions

  • Kansas attorney general opinions
  • Kansas statutes.

    Kris Kobach Elected Chair of Republican Attorneys General Association

    TOPEKA, KANSAS — October 3, &#; The Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA) today announced Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach was affirmed RAGA Chairman by his Republican attorney general colleagues.

    Kansas attorney general opinions

  • Kansas attorney general opinions search
  • Kansas statutes
  • Kansas laws
  • Kansas attorney general website
  • “Since Kris took office, he has been one of the leading attorney generals in taking on the federal government and defending the Constitution,&#; said Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall. &#;I am thrilled …

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    Kobach Selects Former Court of Appeals Judge as Solicitor General

    TOPEKA, KANSAS &#; Kansas Attorney General-elect Kris Kobach today announced the appointment of recently retired Kansas Court of Appeals Judge Anthony J.

    Powell to serve as Solicitor General. &#;Judge Powell has earned great respect in the Kansas legal community. As a former judge himself, he knows how to effectively defend the rights of Kansans in state and federal courts,&#; said …

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