Thurgood marshall life timeline

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    July 2, 1908Thurgood Marshall is born

    Thurgood Marshall was born in Maryland. His dad worked at a club and him mother was a teacher. 1920Thurgood's home life

    Thurgood remembered that when he was young, he and his father would debate local court cases at dinner.

    This prepared him for his goals in life. 1930Thurgood graduates from college

    Thurgood graduated magna cum laude from Lincoln University. 1934Thurgood graduates from law school

    After college, Thurgood attended law school at Howard University.

    When he graduated he began practicing law in Maryland and working with the NAACP. 1943The integration of the schools

    Thurgood worked to get the schools in New York integrated so that African Americans and whites could go to the same schools. 1946Thurgood is awarded a medal

    The NAACP awarded Thurgood with the Spingarn Award for his service. 1951A trip to Korea to examine the troops

    Thurgood was sent to Korea to insp